
Lefty Ring

It was many and many a day ago,
In a university by the sea,
That a girl there walked whom you may know
By the name of Lefty Ring.
And this maiden she walked on the campus
With no other wish than to be one of the postgraduates.
Occasionally this beautiful girl went past me,
And my heart thus became hollow with she.
Familiar seems she whom I thought know of,
The right type of girl that I love.
The road was believable to be a magic way,
Though not a single word to me did she say.
I watched directly into her eyes and she,
She responded with watery spring in May.
I hold a feeling that is more than a common feeling,
Toward she but she may not feel the same way.
Days fly and nights turn quicker,
Snow falls and becomes winter.
Standing in a corner in front of your little room,
I saw an angel out with a pair of gloves.
The angel wore a purple hat with pretty bells,
Which makes her a fairy little princess.
Jumped and jumped I almost got hurt,
But so merry was I that had her words heard.
The voice was like wind bells in a string,
That around my ears joyfully jingling.
With God bless that I had the exam past,
So to her was quite a feat.
I congratulated her with instant message,
Than got hers which I kept as precious salvage.
Often went I to her dorm to chat her,
In order to have a look at my beautiful girl.
But today, today she was sleeping,
Not sounding, but baby nap liking,
Rushing, rejoicing, and hoping,
I felt my heart violently jumping.
